
賣屋,找溫哥華船長準沒錯。 一手賣屋,一手取回現金回饋。如此簡單、如此完美!

將愛屋交給我們,你將立即獲得價值數千元的免費新媒體廣告回饋。我們推出的Traditional Service PLUS™服務,內容獨一無二、包羅萬象,包括:高品質的推廣錄影帶、線上廣告、多國語言的全球性廣告、以及各式精美印刷品,價值遠超過一般傳統房屋仲介業者。

除了上述無遠弗屆的廣告優勢,我們經過合格認證的專家也將負責完成整個交易過程,並在成交後立即為你獻上優厚的現金回饋。記住:Traditional Service PLUS™  絕對可以給你帶來無人能比的服務及福利,幫助你的愛屋成交更快、價格更高!

會讓你更大開眼界的是,我們收取的佣金跟市場平均水平是一模一樣的!我們決不會因為提供這麼多的優惠措施而從你的荷包多收取一分錢,也決不會將這些成本轉嫁給買家。簡單講:你支付一樣的佣金,但從我們這邊絕對會得到更多。 請問:有了這麼多明顯的福利及服務,你還考慮什麼呢? 就是溫哥華船長!

還等甚麼?  立即按 這裡,開始計算您的現金回饋

(604) 968-7539

有誰會比我們更有資格銷售你的愛屋呢?總經理伊恩是加拿大第一個房產電視頻道的創始人之一, 當時為Shaw和 Rogers有線電視催生了知名的電視節目 ”The Home Show”。我們的團隊成員還包括了:通過專業認證的房產仲介專家,影片製作專業人員, 美工設計師,市場行銷戰略專家,資訊高手, 合格認證的專案經理;成員們全部都是道道地地的溫哥華人. 對整個溫哥華地區的市場狀況瞭若指掌。除此之外,我們更提供多國語言服務,幫助客戶面對更廣大的潛在買家。 記住: 你只需支付與市場相同的費用便可以獲得上述這些優惠獨特的服務,而且,還可以獲得極為優厚的現金回饋。

The Marine Building
#1000 - 355 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 2G8

總經理: Ian Brett, B.Sc., PMP


Captain Vancouver is your CASH BACK REALTOR®.

When you sell your house with Captain Vancouver you get CASH BACK! It’s that simple!

Plus, just by listing your houses with us, you get thousands of dollars’ worth of free new media advertising of your house listing, over and above all of the traditional REALTOR® services that you usually get when you sell your house like the usual MLS listing, feature sheet, signage, open house, negotiation and more. We call our unique service Traditional Service PLUS™ and it can include everything from broadcast quality videos to online ads, multi-language international ads and print campaigns strategically targeted to thousands of potential buyers.

With Traditional Service PLUS™, you get extra services and benefits that you won’t find anywhere else, along with the security of having a licensed REALTOR® to represent you through the entire selling process and the extra benefit of CASH BACK when you sell your house. All of this increases your odds of selling higher and faster!

Even better, you don’t pay anything more for our services beyond the average commission rates that most other REALTORS® charge. We don’t add costs to the buyer either. All of our services are included in the same REALTOR® commission you would pay anywhere else! Ask yourself, why wouldn’t you use a Realty to list your house who offers so much more than just standard REALTOR® services?

Want to calculate your CASH BACK? Then click here:

Then give us a call for your free market analysis:
(604) 968-7539

Who better to sell your house than the originators of the first Real Estate TV channel in Canada for Shaw and Roger’s Cable called ‘the Home Show.’ We are also generation Vancouverites and are very knowledgeable about Vancouver. Our team is not only made up of licensed REALTORS® but also trained and qualified professional videographers, graphic designers, marketing strategists, IT experts and certified project managers all ready to create a custom plan to sell your house for top dollar. We are also able to provide multi-lingual services to sell your home to prospective buyers. Remember there are no additional charges for our services!

No one knows how to SELL Houses in Vancouver better than Captain Vancouver!
The Marine Building
#1000 - 355 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 2G8

President: Ian Brett, B.Sc., PMP

This communication is not intended to cause or induce breach of an existing agency agreement.